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I have been dating my boyfriend for only 7 months , we moved in together and i have caught him in 2 lies already, but yesterday just toped it off, I was on aol im and this girl sent him a message saying that she saw his ad on a dating service and wanted to know if he wanted to talk...She asked if he lived were we do and we do how would she know this? She also added that he was on the dating service just yesterday. This is killing me inside i probalyu should leave but he insited that he has done nothing wrong I mean he flipped out cuz he was so pissed that i blamed him for it he was really upset and said hed never do that to me...what should i believe what should i do......why would some random girl lie on aol? lol 0X

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Hi Chillyfrog,


I am sorry to hear what you are going through. I understand that you have caught your b/f in a few lies and that you don't feel comfortable over it, which is understandable.


My suggestion is that you sit down with your b/f and ask him what is going on. Tell him that you love him very much, but that you have a few trust issues over what has been going on over the past period over time. Ask him how he feels over you and how he feels over your relationship. See if he is making sense and feel wether you believe him or not.


The truth is that you cannot live in uncertainty forever. If you cannot trust him over a certain period of time you will get in trouble and your relationship will go downhills. It might be better to get out now, if you feel that it's not gonna work to save you from more tears. But first you have to determine what exactly it is that you feel. Try to make a sound decision.


I hope that this helped you on your way and wish you good luck.


~ SwingFox ~

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Look, i am a bit bias in this situation considering that i got lied to and cheated on recently. I think trust is very important when u care and love someone and are serious enough to be moving in with them...but lets face facts...people sometimes lie and people are full of surprises. You might think you know this guy very well, but he might be lying about a few things behind ur back. I'm not saying that he is indeed cheating on u or lying, but i just think u should take extra precautions. If u find strong evidence that something is going on, then stand by ur instincts. I totally trusted my ex despite all the rumors i heard about him cheating on me. I had never trusted anyone and he made me feel bad about questioning him so much. Until one day I finally told him "look, people talk rumors, but rumors don't sprout from the ground...especially if the whole world is talking about it.!" and he denied and denied until he saw no other choice but to say the truth. and even after that, i kept hearing new things everyday. and he slowly admitted to them. I decided I'm not going to live my life wondering what he really does behind my bak and interrogating him forever. i just let him go.

Well, just be careful, don't interrogate too much. I think its okay to do some of ur own "research" (no spy, but just find little details out).

*GOod lUcK*

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