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A night of firsts

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Hey guys! I just wanted to announce a step of progress I made tonite. I went downstairs to the balcony where some people were chilling and hung out with them drinking and talking. So then someone suggests we play spin the bottle. Anyways, I ended up kissing 3 different girls. 2 with tongue. I wss hesitant to play at first, but then my over romantic self got slapped in the face by my realistic self. It was high time I kissed a girl and started getting kissing experience. Sure there's a difference between the first kiss and the first meaningful kiss, which I'm sure will be special when it comes along. But I'm stoked. I'm not letting anything get to my head because I KNOW everything was all just a stupid game. Everyone else had the bottle land on them more than me,but its all good, I'd say that kissing 3 girl in one nite isn't bad as far as my climbimbing the social scene goes


Oh, I told this girl later she was my first kiss and asked her how I was. She said I was okay. but I don't really care what thr truth was. Heck, I'd never kissed anyone before so Im sure I was pretty shabby, but better shabby there than shabby during my first meaningfull kiss right?





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well, not as in saturated, more like when you slip your tongue in a little ways, it is a little wet and if the person has wet their lips right before the kiss. Ah heck, I haven't had enough expereince to know what a good kiss vs. a bad kiss is. There's a party on Saturday I'm thinking of going to. It's a sorrority party and I've been told the basic premise is sex, since condoms are handed out at the door. ObvioulsyI'm not going to go to get laid, since I'm a man of principles. I'm not saying "oooh, no sex before marriage. However, I

m definitely not a one-night stand guy. I think sex is something that should be saved until two people know that they really want it. I don't disapprove of those who chose to have one night stands, they're just not for me. But I'm sure there must be non-sex stuff happening over there. I'd go to meet people and maybe get a little more experience in kissing. I doubt I'd be propositioned, but if I were I'd say something smooth with a grin like. "Well, never on the first date, but let's make out."

I'd ask for kissing tips, but that's such a cliche topic here and besides, I imagine its a bit like whislting; a person could tell you a million times over how to do it but really you just discover the way on your own.

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