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Life just went down the drain....

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ok today I wake up. Well my uncle who lives next door got into a bike accident and hes in a coma and everyone thinks hes gonna die. My aunt has a daughter who came up from college and a little boy 11 years old who has a brain tumor. Her daughter had been watching her brother for a week while her mom was out cheating on her husband whos on his death bed. Me my 2 cousins and my brother lost all respect for her. She started on me today and I called her a crackhead.....Oh we found drugs in her house too. She hit me bad, and I dont know what stopped me from hitting her. I donno what to do. Plus Luke and I are kinda in a fight....and I feel like crap. How is everything turning so bad? I feel as if im losing my family and the one guy I really count on.....Now I think Luke hates me....help me

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Whose Luke?


I'll pray for your Uncle, if it's in his best interest to recover may that happen, if not may he pass peacefully. It sounds like your aunt needs some help and support. It's pretty obvious her life is and has been falling apart. Judging her isn't helpful. If she's on drugs get her into a rehab or find someone who can. As for the cousin hopefully he's under some kind of care program. This is a lot for one person to handle, and it seems she turned to drugs to cope. Not ideal but it's what happened.

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Wow, heavy stuff. I don't know how much influence you have with your aunt, she's clearly not coping with anything and running away from it into drugs and the arms of someone else. You seem to be the sane one over there.


I suggest you accept what you cannot control, and do what you can about what you can control. The little boy with the brain tumor probably needs more attention than anyone, since he's so ill and his parents are in such dire straights. Maybe you should focus on helping him keep moving forward in his physical and spiritual recovery/treatment.


As for the boyfriend, he's got to understand what you're going through, yet none of it is his fault. He should be supporting you, and you should be remembering that he's not part of the problem. If this is not happening, communicate with him. Make sure he understands how you feel, and then make sure you understand how he feels. That should ease things.


So do your best to focus on what you are able to do to help in this situation, and then keep moving forward. Don't look at all the problems, because it will be too much. Just see where the best place for your energies is and keep living your life. We pray for a speedy recovery to all involved.

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