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ideas for weekend fun with friends on a Saturday during fall

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School, and work, basically that's where most people I know are concentrating on. On Saturday i take a college class but then the rest of the whole day is open to me, so I have to find out what I could do with friends. Looking in the independent magazines and newsletters doesn't help, because they mostly talk about night performances or basically any event that involves shelling out $20 or more at night.



So what are the various activities you like to do with friends? Anything would help. Sports, travel, within neighborhood activities, home (since I know some people who are slackers, like me) I have a friend who works as a musician and I hung out with him but it became boring because I'm not a musician myself so there's no way to contribute to the creative process. Except hang out and look "cool" to the girls who visit the studio. 8)

But hey, that gets old! Going out to brunch with a close female friend is old too.

Basically, I wish that I could do alot of "fun" things that I did when I was little. Kids have enormous amounts of fun, anytime. They don't have to seek satisfaction at an art gallery or dance club or some hipster's party.



Please help..my weekends stink. I'm not into volunteering yet

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Life can get dull! It's odd, because if I was in San Francisco now I could find a million and one things to do - never been. We all get fed up of where we live.


The neighbour I have oposite has a kid about 10 and he just goes round and round in circles on his bike for hours on end. Odd, but ever wonder why a dog can live an entire life of just sleeping and eating? Surely it's something to do with a small brain capacity - so if you're bored you're probably too intelligent, try hitting yourself over the head a few times actually, maybe it comes down to having no measure for what is 'fun'.... so the more fun you have now surely the more bored you will be in the future.


As for suggestions, I only have one. Find out where you can go Zorbing and do it! Big plastic ball, a hill, a bucket of water and you get in with a friend and roll down the hill. Just makes sure it's someone you don't mind getting erm... close too

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some of my best times have been the spontaneous moments doing "kid stuff". a short while ago myself and a good friend of mine sat around the house bored when we decided to go rollerblading! we then moved on to getting push scooters from the garage and attacked them... riding around the supermarket... okay maybe i shouldnt advise that part! we spent the rest of the day on the swings at the park. if you dont feel like too much of a fool i would advise little things like this. you'd be surprised as to how much enjoyment you can get out of such small, silly things!


and yes, zorbing is a must-do!

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Yeah definitely, some friends of mine recently drove around their town wearing ski masks, pulling up along side people and asking for directions to the nearest bank


thats hilarious! note to self: drive around town in ski masks and ask for directions to nearest bank...

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