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from one person to half the town..building social connection

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My question pertains to social networking and career/business networking, but more on the social since I need more friends than business associates!


Let's say that you know someone on a friendly basis..they aren't your bestest buddy from wayyy wayyy back, but in general you get along with him/her. So, how do you get to the point where that person introduces you to other people in person? Either friends or other business associates? And then how do you get to the point when THOSE people or new friends introduce you to even more of their friends?


How long does it take for you?

Is anyone a pro at this?

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That's easy. Hang out with that person in situations where their friends will be present. At a party they or one of their friends are throwing, night out at a bar to meet up with your friend and his friends. Any social situation where you would think that your friend's friends would be present would be fine. And you don't have to wait to be introduced, introduce yourself.

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If you truly are friends, it shouldn't be any problem to let your friends know you're interested in expanding your social circle. But it's probably easier if you just take things into your own hands. For instance, you could throw a party or organize an event (like going to a basketball game etc.) and ask your friend if he/she knows anyone who's into the same things and might want to come along. Bonus: When you invite people to hang out with you, they generally reciprocate and your social circle thereforeeee expands naturally.

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It happens when people have things in common and hit "it" off. If no one is saying anything (or reciprocating) it could be because they're shy and or uncomfortable. If you're the host, it's your job to put people at ease and make the effort to get to know them. Try to find common ground with these folks, keep things lighthearted, and be interested in what they have to say. Share yourself and your opinions with them.


These are the sorts of things that help others feel comfortable around you and interested in becoming friends with you. Another thing: Making friends takes time and repeated social exposure to one another, so don't expect too much from any given situation. Just keep putting yourself out there and eventually you'll click with someone.

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