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So confused with what I want to do in life....

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I'm 21 years old and have no idea what I want in my life. I just started going to school again. I havent even finished my freshmen year of college yet and I've been out of school for 2 yrs nows. It just worries me that I'm not going to do anything. I -know- that I want to do something, maybe teach middle or high school? I dont know. I imagine there are plenty of people in this world floating in the same boat I am. What did you do to help decide what you want to do in life? I'd like just a bit of feedback and maybe some suggestions.

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Hey Hun,


I felt like you a few years back, i finished college and was like ...what now? where am i going what do i want blah blah.....the truth of the matter is you're already living and life is already happening around you, for all you know you may get hit by a bus tomorrow you have to live for today. Try lots of things, do it for a few days and if its not you, move on, life is far to short to sit around wondring what to do...start doing it.


Sugar XxXxX

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This probably won't help, but most people are not sure what they want to do in life - it changes. There is a song which quotes something along the lines of "the most interesting people I know don't know at 50 what they wanted to do with the rest of their lives". It's ever changing as you grow, learn and what matters to you changes too. At 21, it's not unusual to not know! Don't pressure yourself so hard...what I thought I wanted at 21 is not what I wanted years later.


At 26, I am planning to write my LSAT next month to get into Law and go back to school after several years working, is Law what I will do forever? Maybe in some aspect of it yes, but not always as a lawyer perhaps.


You kind of need to just think of the things that bring you joy, pleasure, but also realize they don't always need to be your career - my current job is not fantastic, but I am very athletic and get my sense of pride and accomplishment from pursuing my athletic interests/goals, and I also have hobbies in fine arts and such. I am going back to Law as I know it is something I will enjoy and it suits me, but even then it won't be my whole life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I even took a career class in college to figure out what I want to do, I still have no idea. My motivation is from a song "If I had a nickle for every damn dime I'd have half the time" - Modest Mouse. So I'm looking into being a radiographer, I think it may shorten my life but I have a son now.

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