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I want to forget and heal....

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Hi everyone,

I dont know which area to post this in, so I just choose relationships. Well, I'm currently dating someone at the moment, but I just spoke to my x-boyfriend (who I do think about occasionally) and he said that he misses me, the idiot i am also said that I missed him and I added that I missed him allot and he said that 'believe me, I miss you so much'.


I dont understand, he is with someone at the moment, maybe he just misses me in general and not the relationship, but it leaves me depressed and really upset. I do admit I still have feelings for him, its obvious, if I didnt I wouldnt be feeling this way.


This is really damaging my studys, Im falling behind in collage and I have an assesment due in 3 days and I havent even started


When im with my current boyfriend, I really enjoy myself (majority of the time) but then the thought of my x enters my mind and I become depressed. I have honestly done everything to forget about him and the feelings I have for him, I had NC with him for more than 5 months but still I was thinking about him. I have tried so many different activities and recreaations to get my mind of him but it doesnt seem to work.


I hate myself for falling in love , im so depressed....Im really starting to hate my life....


I hope someone out there understands me and will help me overcome this stage which has lasted more than 7 mnths. (5 and ahalf mnths of NC and the rest with contact)



Thank you.

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Hi lost_status,


My ex also said that he miss me, but that does not means that he want to get back together with me. He might miss the ideas of sharing time together.

-- I read a lot of post from this forum, from other posters I know that when ex says he still love you, he miss you, you are the most beautiful girl he ever met and etc after a break up does not means the ex want a reconcilation.


Unless, he stated clearly that he want to a try in the relationship again. Do not get upset over him!


Do you heal yourself first before enter into the current relationship? I hope you are not in a rebound relationship.


If you feel depressed after talking with your ex, stop talking to him. Eat more fruit, vegetable, and fish. Maintain a healthy diet could help you fight depression.


Concentrate on your study, do not let your ex pull you down. Get control of you emotion.

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Sorry for not explaining properly.

ok, well...i went out with my x boyfriend for 5 mnths or so and it was the best ever. He treated me so well but then he started having problems with his dad so he broke it off...I was so hurt, I stoped talking to him for over 5 months. Recently when iI spoke to him he told me he was dating this girl he met 3 mnths after he broke up with me. After that I have been so upset.. I have tried everything to stop thinking about him including moving on...Im now with someone who seriously has a heart of gold, it kind of reminds me of my X.


There are times where my X enters my mind and thoughts and I cry, I dont know why, I think I still have feelings for him.


Well anyway, I spoke to my X tonight and he said that he misses me and I told him I missed him allot, he then said 'believe me, I miss you so much'.


This issue has been bothering me so much, its driving me nuts! I cant study properly, im falling behind in collage and plu I have that assesment...


At times im so happy, but when my X enters my mind I get so upset .....I dont think its normal.


Thanks for reading, and once again sorry for not explaining the issue properly before, I was really worked up

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Just continuing on....I spoke to him again just now and he said that he really likes the girl he is with at the moment....but he asked if I think about him becuase he said that he does, then he aske dif it was sexually!!

what is wrong with him!!!

I didnt tell him, and he apologised but 5mins later he said i was sexy and I turn him on....


What on earth is that supposed to mean???

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Sometimes it takes a bit longer than 5 months to get over someone. Each situation is different. Clearly, ur still not over him....so maintain NC until you can be sure his words will not affect u so drastically.


You seem to have an amazing new bf and he deserves to be loved honestly....how would u feel if he still harbored feelings of his ex? It is okay to reflect and feel sorry about our past relationships, but if u are feeling depressed over ur ex, then clearly u still have strong feelings for him. Then, I must ask, what r u doing with this guy? Either try to forget about ur ex or take some time away from dating altogether so that u can heal.

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Reilly2856, thank you heaps!!


I understand, its not fair for the guy im with now...I think I should take NC seriosly and completely block him out.


No his girlfriend doesnt know he says things like that to me, I dont even think she knows he talks to me.


Yeh, now that Im thinking things over (rationally) I do believe he is sleazy, I remember the things he did when he was with me to other girls


Definitly not worth it!!


Thank u again Reilly2856, You made my day

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