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guys: what is intimidating?


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I think most men want an assertive woman in bed, but a soft, supportive woman outside the bedroom. In other words, men like it when you have personality, are funny, and are enjoyable to be around, but not dominating and overly assertive unless during sex (even then some guys don't like that, but from what I've heard most men love a woman that is active in the bedroom).


As Daywalker said, it varies depending on the guy, but I would interpret that as you are either a) not very approachable (i.e. you cop an attitude or aren't very sociable) or b) they are just nervous because you are popular and they aren't. Those are just two examples of many.

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Thanks for the replies. Well in my personal experience I've been told this by both my guy and girl friends alike that before they knew me they thought I was intimidating and that is why it would take them a few weeks, even months, after seeing me to approach me at all. I am a very friendly person and sociable so I'm not sure if that would be it.


Either way I was just interested in hearing answers in general to help out other girls that end up in a similar situation!


So could it be things such as posture or even smiling or not that could make someone intimidating or not?

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I've found that a girl with a large number of friends (both male and female) is intimidating. I've been in the situation before (several times now) where they simply do not have the time nor the space for anyone new in their lives. Also, chances are when they have lots of friends, they really don't want any more!


Been there, done that.

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Not to use this term or anything (I don't believe in it), but I think that it can also mean that she is out of your "league"... presumably by looks or level of physical attraction, like saying to yourself, What chance do I have with her?. It's like stepping up to the plate at a baseball game when Randy Johnson is pitching, and you are an amatuer player. You feel that you cannot make it, or have any success, because you are so intimidated that you don't even try.


Just my $.02.

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A girl could be intimidating for many reasons...


A girl could be intimidating if she walks like she doesn't want anyone to talk to her...You know looking sort of stuck up...but looks very good.


A girl could be intimidating if she dresses like a model and is in an environment where the average guy is not dressing like "Joe MIllionare".


A girl could be intimidating if she looks like she is high maintenance. A guy with a low budget won't approach her unless he has a lot of guts and wants to be broke.



A girl could be intimidating if she stands off to the side and doesn't hang around a lot of "normal" looking people( providing that she looks hot herself)


A girl could be intimidating if she is around a lot of guys that look like they know her real well. If you are single and thinks she is hot...you won't talk to her unless she is by herself.


A girl could be intimidating if she looks very good ( like big boobs and slim waste and nice hair and the nice make up with the nice clothes) and looks like she could get any guy and does. If she doesn't accommodate for her actual surrondings...well no one is going to talk to her...even though most of the guys will probably look and say...wow, she's hot underneath their breath as they walk right past her.


She has to seem aproachable, if not she will be intimidating to different levels of guys...their levels are dependent upon thier confidence levels and their lack of fear of being harshly rejected.

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