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Ive got a question about fingering a girl? Alright so I was talking to some girl I know and she says she likes it when a guy just rubs outside first and kinda makes the lips come out, is this how most girls like it or do you just want a guy to go right in? Would you girls give me all your different opinions and preferences?

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I think most women prefer foreplay, instead of going "right in". Also keep in mind that although it feels really good for a woman to have something inside her- her clitoris is on the outside...and for many women that's an important factor in bringing them to orgasm. So if you just go right in you're missing a very important part of the equation.


Also, any type of touching/massage will only make it better- because it increases blood-flow to the area and turn her on more. The more blood flow- the more intense the sensation.



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RooferGirl23 is so right... short nails are best... and make sure they're filed down to soft edges.


Anyways, yes lots of touching outside before you dig right in. Think of it as though you're in a buffet line. You have to get all the food before you can start eating. (Ok, I know... not such a great analogy, but still)


Good luck



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