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Hes literally taking my breath away..

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Is this normal? My very very good friend(who i cant date we decided til im legal) says such sweet things to me and my heart starts racing..and im out of breath..literally..i have to hold my chest and take deep breathes. I get a weird feeling through my body. its crazy and really scaring me...i've never felt this way before? what do you all think?? and just typing this i am having trouble breathing..I feel so stupid for asking..but please help.


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Thetruthintheformofhiphop, it's not necessarily certain words to say. Actually, to make myself clear: it really depends on the chemistry both partners have for each other. You can dish out the sweetest words to any girl, but if she doesn't feel the same, it can have a very adverse effect. It really depends on the bond that two people have. About the muchismo, it's just a guy who can totally be himself, and if the two click, then it makes way for a perfect romance! That kind of feeling is hard to find. Be yourself. Girls love guys who are just themselves and aren't so uptight. And, guys who are not woman haters! Anyway, it's really hard to pin down and describe, but it's just this feeling that we get when we really like someone!

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Yes, it is normal. I've been there done that before. You have the people that can talk certain words without result and others than could say just about anything (within reason) and will cause the flutter.


BillyJean714 has some wise words to follow as well. Make sure its mutual and not just a single layer situation. Otherwise, good luck on the potential future relationship.

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Agree with Billyjean and Jinx. When the chemistry is right... OMG its right. And you feel the breath catch and the knees go week. A look, a smile, a touch, a grin... a whisper in the ear. And your a puddle of goo. Hopefully the feeling is mutual. If it is.. hang on to it. And watch it blossom. Watch the bloom on the rose open up and enjoy the moment.

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Yes, i would agree with Light, a look, a glance. a touch, its all so very wonderful....its funny, because i know when my lady love touches me, its magic and makes me feel like a school boy with his first crush...and no one has ever done that to me...and i would hope that the feeling is mutual, casue if not it would just crush me to know that i dont do the same for her, i know that some many things are right between us, and so i would love to continue this dance of intimacy with my angel....i never want it to stop.....and because who we are, i think that it is possible.

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