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When it comes to love, does race matter.

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Ok so when it comes to love and race: questions.


1.I think that when it comes to love there aint no age(but reasonable),race or anything like that, im i right.


2.I think love doesnt know white.black,latin eauropean, or anything.


3.Since im latin, really, do i aoutomaticly have a dislike towards me.


4. My g/f is white, so what right?



Sorry if this was stupid.THANKS

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I don't think race matters when it comes to love. Many races do have distinct differences between other races (mainly from their history and background), but when you think about it, all people in general have distinct differences between one another. What matters is if you love the other person for who they are as a whole person.

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Some people have issues with race, religion, etc. Your mother may want grandchildren that look your family, so then she wants someone for you, who has similar looks, i.e. someone who is latin.


Also, some people just find certain features attractive. Who knows why I like women with freckles? I do, end of story. So, why shouldn't I get what I find attractive.


Finally, different societies and cultures have different values. These differences may make dating accross cultures difficult. A latin woman may expect different things from a man than a English woman, and a latin man is likely to act differently from an English man. This occurs because of cultural values. Watch out for these differences.

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I believe there is a saying out there somewhere along the lines of - Love knows no boundries. Of course interpretation varies depending who reads that statement but I'll try to use it on the race level.


I don't honestly see what good will be done making one's self unhappy by refusing to love who they truly want to because of race. We have enough divorces already as is, don't need another factor to mingle in causing problems to say the least.


For men I've dated in the past, they were all White (I'm White as well). Yet I've always enjoyed the company of Hispanic individuals. Of course one may wonder why on this so I'll explain. My family when I dated men expected that when I got involved the man had to be White. They have this what they called purity aspect that eventually there will be no distinct races and everyone will be a "Mongrel" if there is no discrimination. This seems to be a huge issue when it comes to Interracial issues, one of the most common I've heard of.


I feel more comfortable with the Hispanic race and the general Mexican culture and beliefs because that has been my life and who I've grown up with BUT because of lingering culture and race issues, it is too taboo to date outside your own race here, thereforeeee despite love interest, it rarely happens. Thus, it probably won't be too likely to happen. Outside of just the race impurity people have problems with they are also afraid heritage will be lost and mucked up to the point they will forget who they are and what their family history accomplished or went through. I thought it would actually help promote diversity by taking on the history of both parents and family cultures but eh, what do I know according to these people.


My thoughts though are that if you love someone, you love them. Period. White, Black, Brown, Yellow, Blue, Green or whatever you get the idea, color is only a portion of a person. Though with these well held beliefs, people will criticize, spew insults and nasty remarks. It is like anything in our society that isn't approved of. We may of moved on from blunt race discrimination but it still exists and is thriving as far as I can tell, I've known enough people and their opinions in my life to know it still exists and is strong, they just don't get the outright satisfaction most of the time from their thoughts.

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Race does not matter when both of you are fully independent and responsible for yourself.


I am Asian, my ex is white.


I did have a friend whom grandfather is a Scot, mother is Thai, and father is Chinese. Even though she is mixed, she fit into the society well and we does not discriminate her. We accept as who she is.

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