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I was just wandering


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Not much. I'm 20 and I don't notice any difference. I think as you get older you are viewing dating as more trying to find someone to marry than just having fun. Also at 20, perhaps it is a little more serious than "high school dating." I dunno...that's just a random idea thrown out there.

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When you're 20+, you are definitly more mature. Considering that you don't still live with your parents and ride your bike to school.


I live alone, have a job and my own means of transporation. My relationships are a lot different than the ones I had in high school. Just because being independent gives me a sense of responsibility and also makes me more mature.


I don't go to the movie theatre to kiss a girl. It's more like nice restaurants, broadway shows etc etc. Things I couldn't afford or even didn't want to do with a girl when I was in high school.


My 2 cents...

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When you're 20+, you are definitly more mature. Considering that you don't still live with your parents and ride your bike to school.

I'm 20 and I ride my bike to the bus stop, and then take the city bus (free for me) to school. I live at home too because it is cheaper than living on my own (plus I am in the same town as my school). I do have a car and pay for my own insurance and pay for everything with it. I just drive when I need to (gas is too high...yes I do have a job). Having your own form of transportation is not a sign of maturity. It's a sign of "independance." There are plenty of people that have their own place and transportation that are NOT mature.

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Even if someone was very mature in high school, I still think there is a distinct difference than when you are in your 20s. When you're in your 20s you've been through more life experiences. Many people make their most life-changing decisions right after high school, between the ages of 18 and 21. This is when people move out of their home, go to college, get a career, etc for the very first time. And I think your experiences shape a lot of how you date. Along with maturity of course.


I agree with what cichlid_chick had stated. I know someone in their 40s who rides a bike to work (he's a history teacher). Transportation has little to do with maturity.


And as far as the differences between the ages... That's mainly based on maturity and experience, like I said before.

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Just because being independent gives me a sense of responsibility and also makes me more mature.


Exactly what I said. I don't think you guys understood very well what I was trying to say.


In other words, when you do things on your own, you learn values of life, which you don't learn in high school. These values amongst other things, shape your dating life into a more serious and mature way.


Riding your bike to school or driving a car there depends on the circumstances. I was showing the usual stereotype of a teenager.

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