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dont know what she wants


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I can't tell if this girl I work with wants to start dating or just be friends. We were introduced by our boss who bothers us constantly about how we should be together, but we joke about it when we are together, and I love spending time with her and she always seems happy to see me. She always makes future plans for us like saying "we should go play pool sometime" and She will put her arm on me for no real reason. she tells me to call her, but when I do she doesn't answer her phone and doesn't return my calls. Then when we see each other at work she is happy to see me and doesn't mention the phone call. We recently went to a baseball game together, and we spent more then half the day together and had a great time. I am having trouble figuring out what she wants can I get some advice please.

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Dont make yourself so avalible for her. because you might start to develop feelings for her, and she might just see it as a friendship... Just ask her what she thinks, and ask her why she doesnt pick up when you call. If she cant tell you the reason... then who knows.

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Look sometimes women don't even know what they want which is why instead of dancing around petting up u should be more assertive. Just ask her out in a calm full posture voice. What I mean is this, don't ever ask a woman out with uncertainty in your voice and whatever you do, don't come off as a wuss. Show her hey, "I'm a man of confidence I know what I want and I go for it."


"Hya doing, look friday night I booked two tickets to this show, and was looking for someone to compliment me, so 7pm after you would have gone and gotten dressed, I'll be at your house to pick you up."


Now I know the rest of you are like "No way man that won't work!" the thing most guys don't understand is that attraction isn't a choice, nor is it logical. Women love control, they love having guys be wussies so they could step over them. Ask a woman if she likes overly nice guys and she'll tell you know, bc they're annoying. Since she's already made the first move, now it's time for you to make a better move.


If you want to create attraction inside of a woman, you have to get used

to the idea of never being tamed, caught, "gotten", or owned. This entire

concept requires that you do things exactly opposite of what your emotions may tell you. You may be having a great conversation on the telephone and every fiber of your being wants to keep talking, but to increase the attraction you need to hang up and leave her on a high note, wanting more. This makes sense because women are more inclined to pursue something that's not certain to always be there than something that can be had whenever it's wanted.


Give it a shot and call me in the morning.

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