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I'm me again! I quit anti-depressants because they were making me angry and well nuetral. Tonight I didn't take my pill and I'm already feeling better. Music wasn't even reaching me like it used to. Now I'm moving to the music! Oh man I just can't go that route again no matter what people think or say. I'm just meant to be a little wacky! Gosh it sucked being desensitized. WOO!!! I'm me again!


Just had to share!

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I don't believe in drugs for controlling emotions.


our bodies already have the best pharmacy we need for that.


nutrition, sunlight cycles can also have an effect on mood.


for example pure organic Cacao (chocolate, but the very dark stuff) is a very good mood elevator.


Sugars can cause depression.


well there are hundreds of factors, the point is that stuffing mood altering chemicals into our bodies does not fix the root problem, it only treats or covers it up.


I like cures not treatments. and definitely do not trust pharmaceutical companies or the FDA.


So good for you Jetta, I am happy for you. remember that everyone gets depressed from time to time and its ok to let your emotions loose, just make sure you make them know who is boss.

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Hey. I totally relate. I was on some meds for a few days.. it made me a zombie. I was torn over my bf and i and our current state.. anyways, the pills made me so numb and empty.. btu i was angry! SOOO ANGRY, b ut i didnt care that i was angry as apposed to lashing out. I'm going to save the pills for when I'm really upset, having anxiety, or for when i cant sleep because of stress. Yeah, you cant live off those things. you can only use them when you really need them

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