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please help me ASAP PLEASE!

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Ok guys, first of all im only 13 years old. i know im young and most of you are probably thinking "pfft, who cares about this kid, ok next problem!" but before u do, please take some time to consider. im still learning and i really dont wanna end up like this when i get older. anyway, here it is: ok recently i have found out my ex-girlfriend likes me again. she even admitted it. i still like her too and i think she knows. i wanna go out with her again but i gotta get her to like me more. i dotn know why but for some reason i feel that i just need to. now heres the problem..she calls me alot now, and most of the time i have no idea what to talk about. most of the time on the phone we just talk a little and end up with a big akward silence. there use to be alot of things to talk about, but now theres nothing. its good if theres a friend at her house because her friends usualy keep the conversation going. i think this is affecting something, like she might not be interested in me anymore if i dont talk. i need help coming up with things to talk about. i know u guys have tons of advice, so please share it with me. i need to keep a conversation going and get rid of these awkward silences, and hopefully we will go out again, please help me guys, i need some advice or something before its too late. thanks in advance!


P.S. she thinks im funny (because i am in school and this isnt really the point) and i need to make her laugh. this is probably the main reason why she liked me in the first place

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i wanted to make a change to this, but i couldnt find a "edit" link. anyway if u guys didnt understand my problem, i just need to know how to start a conversation with her, like what to say to start a conversation or how to keep one going. i really need help. please help me, i know this is a GREAT site and i kno u guys wouldnt just leave a helpless kid without any advice right? heheh, thanks again in advance!

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just dont be nervous-talk about things at school, cut up w/things that make her laugh.

the same problem is w/me and my b/f-we cant really talk on the phone b/c all the funny things we talk about usually spurs from where we r and stuff. When we talk, it's usually just..boring. But when we're 2gether we talk non-stop.


Maybe you should think of something funny ya'll did a long time ago or have a convo about ya'll going out and why ya'll broke ^ in the 1st place. But most of all, you need to relax and just let the convo flow

and if u have 3-way, then call a buddy to help the convo along

hope I helped!



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yeah u did help alot, i appriciate it, thanks. but ya kno school is over and yeah..nothing really to talk about i need some things to say to start a convo tho..when i call her, wha tare some things i should say first? i just hate calling her and having nothing to say or talk about. i call her, say "hey whats up" she says "nothing much" and there it goes...awkward silence..not to be nosy or anything, (this applies to the guys) but what do u say to your girlfriend when u call her? thanks in advance

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well, you can ask her what she's been doing, and talk about some common interests. Tell her what's been up w/you. Whenever I call my friend (not my g/f but you know, my girl friend we alwyas talk about off-the -wall stuff, like movies and making fun of some people we both hate, ect..


well, good luck..P..S. if u call her like every day then ur comvo reallyw ill b dull..maybe like once or twice a week ya know?



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Before you call her think of a few things you could talk about and just jot them down somewhere.

Don't write out the conversation, just put down little key things that would jog your memory. Then when the conversation starts to die down you can take a look and find something new to say.

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act like you do in school. be ur self relax and just talk. tell her what you did today. ask her how was her week going. play a game like twenty questions. me and my bf play a game sometimes to break the ice a lil. just ask her a personal question. she has to be honest in answering it. and after she does, she has to ask you a question. it sounds boring but its fun once you start playing. maybe remember something that happened that you and her only know and talk about it. tell her how you feel about her. tell her what your first impression of her was. and ask her what she first thought of you. tell her how you feel when she is around you. just some minor stuff like that would do the trick.

i hope i helped you out.

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Heehee you're funny! As if the nice people of this forum would ever brush you off just cause you're young. My advice, since you have both been together already you've done the hard part in getting to know eachother! Me and my ex (when we were together) never talked on the phone after the first few months. You begin to value time together alot more and you'll find it much easier being with someone in person and trying to find stuff to chat about. Maybe you can ask her out to lunch or to come see a movie or something. This way you can find out if you actually do have some stuff to talk about when you are in person. Anyway good luck. I think you're already lucky! I didn't get my first kiss till 17!!!!!!!!!

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yeah iv ebeen answering posts all yesterday night and all this morning, maybe u guys can return the favor ya? heh, well, if u wanna kno my problem, read my posts and a couple of the replies, i need help with the list, alotta peopl been givin me ideas for my list, maybe u gusy can give me a little more. hope my advice helped ya guys, and thanks in advance!



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