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why do I even bother...???

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So, I met a guy about 2 months ago...we met at a party unfortunately he lives like 2-3 hours away from me. I haven't seen him but we have kept in contact. We are supposed to be meeting up pretty soon one of these coming weekends. THe problem is...why am I even bothering...I mean..I know he likes me and I like him...but I am playing it cool...u know..not wanting to appear desperate and what not... but who knows what he really wants...urrggghh life is so complicated. help!! I mean we talk atleast once a week...what should I do???

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Hang out with him, see what he wants... if its a relationship, just a hook up.. ASK him he'll tell you. don't let him lead you on.. If you need more attention then once a week (which i think we all need). If he's leading you on, then get rid of him. Find someone closer to home..

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