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hey guys,

ok well I tried posting this in another section but no one really replied so I guess it's becuase lil' ol' stupid moi didn't realize that this section would work a lot better....


well i just wanted to know what I can look out for as far as interest is concerned when I'm talking to the girl of my dreams... We're already friends so It's kinda hard for me to ask her out, out of fear of ruining the frendship, but if there are things that I can look out for when I'm talkin to her n shtuff (and stuff besides the eyes, shoulders pointed, legs crossed over, the phrase "shut up" and all that jazz) lol I know these are all helpful, but I need to see if there is anything else I should look for before I take the leap!!



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if she spends time with you at least once every other day, and answeres your phone calls, then your either a really good friend or she is interested in you, use those other signals you mentioned as a way to measure which you are. But if she isn't answering your phone calls and doesn't spend much time with you, I wouldn't press your luck.


Edit: oh yes and to tell her your interested, try asking her if she wants to go to the movies, and you can kinda make sure she knows it's not a date date, but you just want to watch a movie with her. Oh and make sure you have enough for popcorn lol.

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ok well we don't really talk on the phone, it's more on an msn basis. But yeah, like we talk or at least say hi like ever few days, so i dunno...whne we're at school we talk everyday n shtuff n we joke around, but I'm not sure about what I'm looking for exactly...or what I should be showing in turn to display interest

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Have you tried flirting with her, teasing her, tickling her and punching (lightly) her and see how she responds back? Try touching her arm or hands accidentally.


I've been in similar situation but my guy friend didn't show any interest in me at all. So I stopped giving signs even when I still like him. I think you should take some action instead of just waiting for more hints. You might have missed them already.

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hey kaia, do girls really like that (the light punching)? im in powerlifting and im not quite sure what a light punch is.... but anyway


back to the subject-- if you really like her, then you should know that it is worth the risk of going for it. true love is worth everything. "love is only as enjoyable as you find value in; how much are you willing to pay for love, what is its value to you?"



even if she says she doesnt like you (worst case scenario), if she is a true friend, she wont hate you even if she doent like you



good luck

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t-rav, it depends on the girl. I don't think girls like to be punched all the time if at all. It's the way you do it and it's part of the teasing / joking around. In general, some degree of physical contact is better than nothing at all. [/i]

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depends on the girl...


lol i don't think if your not at that right level, poking a girl may make her take out sum karate skills on u...lol just a thought...make sure ure comfortable, and more importantly the girl is comfortable with u to do that...if ure unsure, then DON"T!!!!

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