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Well, you are talking to the master.


I don't like playing games, but sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive.


The best way to do it is to act stupid and always be nice.


Act stupid like you have no clue she likes you. It will drive her crazy!

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If you must play games, give conflicting signals. Play too much hard to get and she'll just move on.


Bottom line is, if you like her, go for it!!! Don't play games!!!


All the best!


I would have to agree with everything that Ducky wrote:


It is not nice to play games and it starts things of in a bad note. If you plan to have a long lasting relationship this tactic must be deep sixed.


Unfortunately sending mixed signals works with women but it is not as like playing games. Women are naturally facinated with the mysterious bad boy. They have been conditioned to think this way through Romance Novels.


Try doing this. In a very serious tone and expression tell her something negative pause than twist it around to a positive joke and then give her a slight smile.




The other day at the computer hall (named that cause everyone understands what that is) I was sitting in the middle of a row of computers.


There was a lovely woman at the end of the row using a computer also. A man that was using the computer next to me left and this woman changed computers to the one that the man was using. This is done all the time by everyone cause sometimes the computer you are using just does not work the way you like, so you try a different one.


I looked over at her, then stood up faced her and said with a serious look on my face....


"I think you sat next to me", pause slighty for effect, "just to make me jealous of your typing skills!"


Finally when she realized that I was complimenting her on her typing skills she busted out with a big smile. As I walked past her in behind I wispered "Just kidding!" to make sure she didn't think I left mad at her.


Later I saw her again and introduced myself. I asked her if she knew of anyone that would be interested in giving me basic typing lessons, (obviously impling on her).


She replied with the fact that she did not and that didn't matter cause the whole point was to meet her.


Sure you can just go right up to a woman and start chatting away, but where is the connection between the two of you? You will have better luck if you create some kind of connection through this or building a rapport.

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playing games... man.. such a bad thing, but if you want to get a girl, it works..


my advice: It all has to do w/ confusing the hell out of the other person. If you are already friends w/ the person, tell them that they you will call them... and dont........ randomly stop talking to them.... like.. not by being mean... but if you work w/ them.. or see them at school, you can casually say "Hi", but dont get into conversations with them. If you previously were friends with them and talked alot, this will make them ask "whats wrong?" and of course you respond w/ "nothing" and just keep confusing the hell outta them till they dont know up from down, left from right.


i know you said you dont want to be a bastard and play hard to get, but you have to be in order to play hard to get. You will be a jerk, and you probably will feel bad.. this means you are doing it right.... cuz its a bad thing... and you WILL Feel like *** afterwards!!!!!


Thats all there really is to it.... its a horrible thing to do though >_

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thanks for those great replies people.


next question, at what point do you stop playing hard to get and be in a normal relationship? I mean if you started it by playing hard to get when does it end? when can you be normal if ever?

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Don't play games. Once you start it becomes a habit that is hard to break. Better to not get into it in the first place. And don't be worried about not being able to "get" girls. Read the majority of posts by girls on this subject and they will say they don't like games. And trust me, you'll get a girl... not games or conflicting signals needed.

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