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body type preferances

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Hm, I don't know why, but I find sleek, jet black hair incredibly sensuous. Brunettes, redheads, and rarely blondes also catch my eye. I also like thin girls, but not the kind that don't eat. The kind that eat well but take care of themselves, with just a little extra booty on em.


Personality wise, I like open minded girls who are funny and perceptive, someone I can have an intelligent but light conversation with.

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Personality - I love a guy who is funny and outgoing. He has to be social and enjoy spending time out with other people. I'm not super social but I like spending time with my close friends. He has to have something he is passionate about and that means a lot to him. Being into generally the same type of music as I am is a big plus. It doesn't mean all the same bands, but I love going to see shows and I wouldn't want to be with a guy that would never go with me or wouldn't enjoy himself. Loving mosh pits is just a big plus Someone who is settled in life is also a positive. I know where I'm going and what I want and I appreciate that in a guy also.


I don't care much about what he does for a living as long as he is responsible, enjoys what he does, and works hard at it. My boyfriend is an electrician, he's working on getting his license (need 5 years experience before you can test, so he has less than a year to go), he loves what he does, and it's something he plans on sticking with for the rest of his life. Totally perfect. Plus he's really good at it, twice now when he went job hunting it took him only days to find a new job (he took a traveling job, decided he hated traveling, and is now switching back to local work).


Looks - I always say I like tall lean muscled guys BUT I recently looked back over my dating history and realized that's never been the type I've actually dated. Most guys I've dated have fit a certain mold. Tall (okay, so I got that), fairly broad with great arms, brown hair, and eye color I don't care about generally but my bf has gorgeous gray eyes and I might now be a convert, hehe. Tattoos, facial hair, and piercings are a plus. At the very least he has to be okay with my tattoos and piercings.

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