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I am as confused as he is

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I broke up with my boyfriend last month. Last week, I sent him e-mail asking for forgiveness for anything that may have caused him to hate me. I just want to move on without the excess baggage. He said that there is nothing to forgive but if ever there is, he already forgave me. I thanked him and didn't expect a reply. When I checked my mail the other day, I found out that he wrote back last weekend saying that he realised that he also loves me, wishes that i'd keep in touch, and that he is just confused with what to do. I e-mailed him back but there is no reply. I don't understand what his last message meant. WHAT DO YOU THINK? I'M NOW CONFUSED! PLEASE HELP!

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hi kusela!


A few questions to get a better idea of the situation.


1).Did you break it or did he?

2).What did you say in your reply to his e-mail?


It seems that there was unfinished business between the two of you!! (well at least one of you thinks that



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Hi all..


This confuses me too... My ex-girl broke off with me nearly 3 months ago, we were together for nearly 4 and a half years. If it wasn't for me trying to make contact with her in the early stages, as I'm assuming all heart broken dumped males do, she would never have made any contact with me.


I'm not saying it's not easy for the dumper, but it is a whole lot worse for the dumpee...


You say you wanted forgivness for something you may have said or done, what did it matter to someone you just let out of your life anyway?


Ofcourse you expected a reply, you knew he would because you were the one that dumped him... he still loves you and you hold all the power at the moment..


My question to you is, are you having second thoughts about leaving him? Have you suddenly realised you made a mistake?


My opinion as a male not too far away from where your ex is right now is that he is kicking himself for letting you know that he still cares about you, because he just gave back any form of repair he made to himself away, straight back to you....


He has probably been wanting to send you what he wrote back but has been stopping himself and you gave him the opportunity. Believe me he is very mad and very sad with himself..


What are your intentions now??

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Thank you very much for replying to my post!


It was I who proposed the breakup after I felt rejected by my ex-boyfriend. It started with a fight (e-mail). He said that he could not accept my threats ("Don't you ever let me see you with another girl."). Actually, I did not threaten him. I was just jealous and asked for his reassurance. I tried calling him many times to say sorry but he didn't answer. We did not talk for over a week so I decided to break up with him through e-mail as he would hang up the phone. He said that he was thinking what to tell me but he doesn't know how to begin and end it but in the middle he wants to tell me that I was very sweet and nice girl and added that perhaps breaking up is the best thing to do. After our breakup, I still e-mailed him once in a while. Sometimes he would answer but most of the times not. in his last e-mail, he said that he realised that he also loves me. I always told him how much I love him even after our breakup.


My reply? I said that he can still see me if he really wants to, and that is if God allows us to meet again. He did not reply anymore. I still love him and want him back but only if he really loves me still. Why won't he call me? Should I call him?


Yes, I was the one who proposed the breakup but only after I felt dumped. Please tell me what you think.

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