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I like this girl.


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I like this girl and we have been friends for a while. And im really interested in her. How do i go about showing my feelings to her. should i drop hints? what should i do?? Please tell me cause I dont want to screw it up.


And by the way how can u tell if a girl is interested in u???

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Flirting, its easy to detect... some signals might give it away.. sometimes its not even flirting, she is just displaying behavior that shows interest. If she is looking directly at you when you talk, if her body is positioned more towards you, if her leg is crossed over towards you, if she finds a way to sit closer towards you, if she finds ways to touch you like slapping your arm or whatever, if she plays with her hair while looking at you, if she twirls her straw and looks at you, if she tilts her head to the side while doing any one of those.. I dunno, she can also give you that "look" that knows she is interested. I mean, many people will disagree and think what I have said is retarded but I'm just stating things that girls have done to me when I knew they were interested, hope that helps.

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So basically how you use teasing is start a normal conversation like for example one over the phone when you feel like teasing and the time's appropriate, use it. See how she reacts, it's a good thing if she does it back. It's actually a good thing if she laughs and says like "shut up" while laughing. It's actually pretty fun lol.

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lifeiscash is totallly right. our signs are soo subtly obvious lol. and yeah you know alot of girls arent fans of the teasing thing but i love it! lol, to me its the best way to show affection lol. but yeah like if she says shut up while laffing or something totally good sign. like as long as she doesnt get upset. but some girls are sensitive and take these jokes seriously. but you know her if she can handle it den go for it

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In other words what goddess is saying is that when girls say one thing it usually means another. Don't get me wrong, if you are being REALLY obnoxious and you are really starting to freak her out and she yells STOP, then she means it.. but if she is displaying interesting behaviour and you tease the girl by, making fun of something about what she is wearing or just plain TEASING her and she says, oh shut up.. then it means "Keep it Going"! Once you get more experience with girls then you will start to realize when a girl is actually interested and how you can tease them by knowing that they are interested... hope that didn't confuse you.

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