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Am upset - please help me see reason

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Dear friends,

I had posted a few topic a few weeks ago and i am writing as a follow-up.

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to cut the long story short i am attracted to this guy online and after long thought i decided to give it some time and wait to see in person before i commit.


So we have been chatting everyday and i can sense that he is interested too.We see each other on webcam everyday ..so we have been talking now for over a month.


Once i asked him for his number ( i was hoping he'd ask first),but he said 'may be later'.May be i asked him too fast,do u think?


anyway i was hoping we'd have more personal touch by talking on phone,sms's etc.He tells me that he is internet-paranoid and hence dont want to give out personal details...watever


anyway we have been chatting for long hours sometimes upto 8 hours.so far we are not bored and we have even started talking abt sex ( i mean our views and fantasies)..I havnt done any mastrubation or anything and i know he hasnt too as i can see him on the cam.


nyway today we were chatting and he was the one who started talking about sexual fantasies and in betweeen the talk ..he said..."hey.. cud we talk 2morow..i am tired"..i said ok,fine.


But i am obviosuly upset..i mean it was abrupt...i know that there are no emotions involved (for him atleast).But for me we were talking about something so personal..we were sharing our secrets and then he jus cut off.. i UNDERSTAND that he is tired ..but a hug smiley would help.I come from a community where sex is not discussed so freely- he is also from the same community and would understand that it is a big ask for me to talk freely to someone i havnt met.


guys..sorry if this is too long..I hope atleast some amoung you understand what i am trying to say..i am being touchy?Do u have any tips/advice for me? do u think i am being foolish with this guy?


thanks in advance ..

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Well just take the advice from what the others have said before, take it more slowly. Maybe give him a day or 2 of not being online to have him thinking about you more. He might have just cut off from the conversation cuz he was really tired and didnt want to get involved in a long talk at the moment. Or he could just be a little afraid cuz you might be coming on too strong too soon. Dont get too worried about it, im sure its nothing....just give him a day or so and then talk to him again. Hope everything goes ok, let us know then.

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I think you should be very wary. If you have been talking to this guy for some time and he still refuses to meet there is a good chance that something else is going on here (like a wife of g/f).


People can be whoever they want in chat environment.


This is my thought too. If you are having these marathon conversations on line and yet he still isn't willing to exchange phone #'s or other personal info than it can probably be a safe bet that he is hiding something, as in a wife or a gf.


I would proceed with caution if I were you.

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