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some weird pregnancy questions.


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okay i am 18 weeks prego my first one and i was wondering when is it normal to feel movement and i am kinda worried cause i havent felt any yet, and did anyone else feel verry dizzy around this time like when i walk i feel like i am going to faint. the last thing is i feel weird cause it seems like i am small for how far i am like my belly cause i am a small person like before.

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Have you been going for regular doctor appointments and had an ultrasound.


Anytime you think something is wrong in pregnancy, you should consult your doctor.


Most women feel kicking or some movement/fluttering by at least 4-5 months in. Which would be 16-20. If you are small still in your belly though I am concerned as starting at your third month if you are slender you should be seeing some belly.


Dizziness can indicate many things - preclampsia, low blood pressure, problems with development, bad nutrition, missing vitamins/minerals (all are dangerous for you AND baby). It can also just be normal due to hormones in your body right now.


You should book an appointment with doctor OB/GYN now to talk about your concerns..it can be many things, or nothing, but we cannot diagnose you.

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oh i know i just wantd to know if anoyone else had the dizzyness and how big they were at this stage.


Well, you should be gaining through the pregnancy 25-35 pounds ir you are regular/underweight....if you are underweight a bit more. 7 pounds or so is baby, another 8-12 is placenta, fluid, etc, the rest is fat to feed the pregnancy. You really should of gained in a normal pregnancy 10-15 pounds by now. You should notice a belly and weight gain.


You did not answer though if you have been going to doctor?

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I am a tiny tiny person, just genetically built that way, with a very slight frame.


With both my pregnancies unless I wore a form fitting shirt no one who didn't know could tell I was pregnant until I was about 8 months along when I looked closer to the normal 5-6 month mark.


I also felt movement from both of my kids on the later side, somewhere between 18 and 24 weeks, and even then, especially at first, it was only once in awhile. I think it's not until 24 or 26 weeks where you are supposed to feel movement hourly.


In my case I have a tilted uterus, which I didn't realize until my midwife mentioned it at one appointment when I was rather far along. Because of that I didn't carry as big in the front as most women do, though as pregnancy progresses it does eventually tilt the uterus to the normal shape.


With my son I gained 25lbs total but didn't start really gaining till around 7 months. With my daughter I gained 30lbs and again didn't really start putting on weight until around 7 months. My son was 7lbs and 11oz and my daughter was 6lbs and 8oz, both very much in the normal range.


I also had the dizzyness but in my case that was related to being anemic, so definitely something you should mention to your doc. All in all what you are experiencing could be totally normal for you, but it's best to check with your doc or midwife and have your mind put at ease. You should never worry about calling, that's what they are there for

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