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What should I do??

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My boyfriend of 2 years is acting so rude and mean lately.


He apologized for the incident I posted about previously, but he is just being so inconsiderate lately.


He will call, then every little thing will piss him off when we are talking, and he will hang up on me!


Then, in the evening he will call, or i will call, and he says he'll call back to say goodnite, never does.


I tried to confront him and ask if everything was ok, he said, "yes, everything is fine." I kinda hesitated and said, "ok, fine." Then he just said really fast, "i gotta go, bye." Click...


This is such hurtful behavior, and I don't know what to think of it. He tells me he loves me, yet he doesnt act it.


What should I do?

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Well after reading some of your previous posts about that hateful e-mail he sent you back about your appology and the other things he did, I would totally forgot him and exclude him from your life. From the way he is acting it seems like something is also going on that he is not telling you about. Why would he want to avoid talking to you on the phone and hang up on you? Could possibly be another woman or something; hopefully thats not the case...But anyways you need to forget about him, he has put you through more verbal abuse than you need in your life. There are other guys out there in the world that will treat you with the respect and care you need. Not all guys are a#$#$#$s like this guy, so dont let this dissuade you about looking for someone else in the future. My best advice to give you now is to keep yourself busy with things; hang out with your friends, spend time with other loved ones; and avoid doing things that remind you of your relationship with him. You are not being the drama queen he says you are, that is really out of line and awful to say to your girlfriend. Good luck and keep us posted, feel free to PM me if you like. Take care.

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Thanks so much MaxPayne.


Its so hard, and i don't know why i am so weak and can't leave him.


It absolutley sucks what he is doing to me, and I wish I could just say, "later man. i don't deserve this!"


Im so weak, i need to find a way to be strong.


I just don't understand that if he DID have another girl in his life, why he would not let me go too, or just tell me flat out to leave him alone. He confuses me because he TELLS me everything is ok, that he loves me, yet acts so cruel.

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Dont let him brainwash you into feeling sorry for him when he says he loves you and everything. If he really loves you then he should be suck this cruel monster that he is now, theres no reason for it. I know its hard to forget him cuz you still love him. But you need to overcome from feeling week and get on with your life. I just hope that eventually he will wake up and realize what he is doing to his gf that is so caring. Keep us informed and good luck.

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There is a guy that is really interested in me, and i have kinda been pushin him away because of my boyfriend right now.


My boyfriend has been treating me with no respect, so would it be wrong if I just started to give this other guy the time of day, and maybe go on a few dates with him?


Honestly, I think that this may be the only way that I will be able to leave this man because I stay with him no matter what it seems like. Im not that into him, but i know if i gave him more time i probably would begin to be.

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I've asked him if he is seeing someone else straight out and he said no. He said he is too lazy, too broke, and he has me over every weekend, making it not really possible to be seeing anyone else.


Well, I don't know if I believe that. He has always been short tempered, but I think something may be up. That is why I think im going to pursue this other guy because it will help me not care, and focus on someone who wants to be with me.

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LittleOne, I know your boyfriend isn't ideal, but I wouldn't start dating the new guy until you dump the old one. The new guy deserves to be with you without having to worry about the old one possibly getting violent (as he's gotten with you) or coming back into your life. Do the right thing and cut the ties first.

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That makes sense. Its kinda like im just using him.


I all your help to get me through this, because I know this guy is so wrong for me, im just having the hardest time, for some reason, just leaving him.


I know many people have done it before me, with longer relationships, but this is my first one, and I guess I just don't know anything else, and the thought of not having that "man" in my life just scares me.

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LittleOne, if you won't do it for yourself, do it for "Emily." I can't tell you how many women don't leave and become trapped in a relationship that gets progessively violent once they get pregnant and/or have children. Is he really the man you want to spend the rest of your life with? Or is this about the fear of being alone?


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No, I really don't want this. He has proved to me that he is not the one. There are good times, but his childish behavior wipes that all away.

I thought, ok, maybe once we are together LONGER, he will see how much I love him.

Nope, he only disrespects me more. I don't want to marry this guy, I know for a fact, so whats the point. He is only dragging my life down by his verbal abuse and inconsideration for my feelings.

I want to help anyone I can avoid making the mistake I have made.

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