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Relationship Troubles, may be pregnant?

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I'm new here, don't know much about you if you're here often and haven't looked. But I assume you're young. I assume she doesn't believe you love her. Try the pregnancy test before worrying much further. Sometimes stress will delay these things, sometimes women use this to scare the man and make them stay. I'm not saying this is the case, I'm saying don't worry until you have to.


In the mean time, if you want to show your love, perhaps buy some flowers or get a card. Give her a kiss. But you shouldn't have to convince her.

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Firstly, You need to find out if she is pregnant or not. This should also be her priority if she hasn't done this already. Until you are 100% sure about this, you can not make any logical decision on what to do.


You can make her believe that you love her by being understanding and caring at a "giant" time in her life. If she is pregnant (how old are you guys anyway?), then she is sure to be going through a whole load of mental crap - what should I do, my life will now be like this...etc.....Pregnancy is a life altering thing - and that scares most people who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy position.



The Re running problems you speak of - are they relevant to the pregnancy, or simply relevant to the relationship as a whole?





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it's very good of you to care so much for her even when things can be bad between you two. because she is scared about being pregnant, make sure she kows you're there and interested in being there and knowing if she is pregnant or not.


when she takes the test, be there or tell her to let you know what the results are. then, if she isn't, relax and try to work out your other problems. if she is, then make sure she knows she's not alone by spending time with her. it will more then likely be on her mind 24/7... literally... so be there for her as much as you can... especially at first. then talk things over with her and make sure she knows you plan on being there throughout everything. the main things you have to do are be there and tell her that you will be there no matter what. if you keep up with this, she will feel a lot better i'm sure.

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