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Tobacco. Can doctors tell if I've been using it

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I have been dipping tobacco for about a year now. I am 17. Are the doctors or dentists allowed to tell my parents that I've been using tobacco? Can I tell them not to tell my parents? I am trying to quit and I do not need my parents coming down hard on me and stressing me out...making me need it even more.




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I'm pretty sure they can tell your parents. But if you tell them that you are trying to quit and just explain your situation they probably won't.


Honestly, you might even try telling your parents in the same way you just explained it. They might be more understanding than you would think, especially if you told them not to come down hard on you. It's something I would have never believed to be possible in high school but it really is. They just might understand you.

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Since your under eighteen I believe doctor-patient confidentiality dosn't count. So I think they can tell your parents.


But like the others said it would be much better if you told your parents now than some doctor doing it later. They would probly be more pissed cause the doctor told them.

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