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is it normal to shake?

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Ok, i have a question for the guys..well girls can answer too if theyve noticed this while having sex with a guy. me and my boyfriend were having sex the other night.. after we started makin out and he started shaking, i shake sometimes too..like my leg twitches..but his arms were and legs were and we both laughed..but is it normal for a guy to? if so..why?

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For me shaking is a norm... if I've been turned on. lol. And I've gotta say it is a NEW experience for me... to have the quivers... all the time. But the quivers come from being arroused and sensitized. Its almost like... if someone would take a feather and run it lightly down your body... you'd get a quiver.. a twinge of excitement... the heart starts racing...nerve endings are stimulated.


If it feels good... I dno't question it. I just go with it.

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