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friend into drugs... help me!

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In health class there was always talk about how pot was the 'gateway' drug. The kids who were sitting in that health class treat this piece of information like all the other information obtained in a health class is treated... its ignored. sure, at the time it didnt seem like it meant a whole lot. but as a friend of mine and i were studying for senior year midterms one of us asked the other if they ever wondered what 'being high' was like.


1 year later one of the friends has completely left behind the entire drug scene. the other one hasnt. but shes not bad. not yet.


a few months later one of the friends has a boyfriend. the other has gotten kicked out of her house thanks to drugs (specifically shrooms).


a few months later one of the friends still has her boyfriend, is very happy just being herself and has recently also quit smoking cigarettes. the other friend steals, lies and acts obnoxiously high whenever shes stoned. shes also added several other drugs to her lifestyle (namely cocaine, which is what im really worried about).


i know now that shes just going to slip further and further into the world of drugs and i need to do something. shes been my best friend for as long as i can remember. if i tell her mom then shell just get kicked out of her house (which would accomplish what?) and seeing how shes no longer in school the next highest authorities i could go to would be the police (which is what im trying to save her from).


i dunno, any ideas?

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I always thought that teaching kids about the different kinds of drugs, make them want to try them more, cause now there educated on them. Being young you think nothing can hurt you, so they say in health class is gives you a great high. Alot of kids, not all I'm sure, being young, could take all that information the opposite way and want to try it.

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  • 2 months later...

I think the problem with Health Class is they put so much hype inot drugs that don't do a lot of harm, pot/shrooms, and then say the exact same things about drugs that do a lot of harms, acid/crack/meth.


I remember being completely lied to in highschool health class and then as soon as I found out it was a total pack of lies then I started to think that maybe some of the otehr drugs were fine too.


This is just my ramble but I know I started smoking pot in 10th grade. Plus I played around with shrooms and XTC a few times and I turned out jsut fine. I was a and still am a high 80s low 90s student.


I agree cocaine is highly addictive and dangerous because it costs so much and leads people to do desperate things to get some. You should definatly talk to your friend about cocaine. If she is underage and you live in a country with free healthcare you might want to consider call social services and getting her forced into rehab. If you live in the United States I feel sorry for you and your friend because I don't think they have very good free services for problems like this.


Sorry for the rant bit at the top. You should really talk to your friend first though.

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IMO you have to wait out the storm. It's sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew though. Addiction is a tough one, some don't want help. You would think that pot had some kind of power; I mean come on, it's a plant, not a reason for living. Controlled by a plant, how hilarious. A plant! A f*cking plant!" I always say "If you hate your parents, the man or the establishment, don't show them up by getting wasted and wrapping your car around a tree. If you really want to rebel: outearn them, outlive them, and know more, be stronger.


I have folk that used to have £30k a year coke habits. Take it from me, there is no such think as an ex-junkie. It aint till they got nuthin left can they rebuild. I show em real pain, physical pain. Its tangible and real.

Just be ther for em if you are a friend. If they push you away…wait for em to come back.

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