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I dont know what to do, Please help me

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Well My Boyfriend's friend told me that my boyfriend is moving in the next two or three days. He told me hes moving to North carolina and I live in pennsylvania, It hurts me very much to find this out and it hurts me that he never told me. I dont know what to do because I cant get ahold of him and he hasnt called me, Any suggestions on what to do?thank you

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I agree, he's not much of a boyfriend if he didn't let you know he was moving out of state and to top it off you can't reach him. I'm sorry he hurt you, but I would just let him go. He's not worth your tears!! There's someone great waiting for you. I always say that blessings can come in the strangest of places and times. Perhaps his leaving is a blessing in disguise.

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That's kind of weird. Did he just expect you to never find out that he moved?


Why wouldn't he tell you? Didn't you notice that he was packing or anything? I guess he just has a lot of explaining to do. Maybe you can get your boyfriend's friend to ask him why he's not talking to you, or why he wouldn't tell you.

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My bf had lived with me and my mom and then needed to get his own place.. turned out GREAT!!!! I practically lived there..


One night my bf and i were walking out of his apartment building. His landlord said to him "So I hear you are leaving eh?"


I WAS LIKE WHAT???????????


He had this new buddy (who was originally an internet friend of mine, until they met)... the guys gf broke up with him and moved out, so he needed a roommate.... my bf promised me he wasnt moving in...


Well he was now!!!


I was soooo upset... and I couldnt believe he didnt tell me...


Turned out he was really in a crunch with money and he needed to split rent with someone (we had been fighting so he didnt want to live with me)


Everything turned out ok.... its not so bad.... its been almost a year but in two weeks he is moving back in at my moms because he iwll be going to bootcamp.

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