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Breakup stories, good and bad

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Care to share your breakup stories, suggestions, and opinions, good or bad? As with many other things in life, there are good and bad ways of handling situations. This applies to whether you are the person doing the breaking up , the one on the receiving end, or even in a mutual decision.


I just wanted to hear what people had to say on this topic... as experiences are always good to learn from....

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If you need to leave for whatever reason I think it's important to do it with respect. Try to remain amicable. Sometimes due to circumstances that isn't possible, but always have regard for the other's feelings. Don't hold grudges as they are not healthy. If the person you were with was not so nice then be relieved that you are no longer with them and leave it at that.

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My advice is to try not to delve into a relationship too quickly. Give it time for it to evolve and become stronger while you get to know each other. One of the worst things to do is rush the other person further into a relationship, because they will always feel unsure about what to do and will often evade it. I also agree with the other post about respect. If things dont work out in the relationship because of the other persons fault, dont hold a grudge on them. Its just not worth it because of all the problems it creates. You both need to be mature adults about the whole thing and just let it go.

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