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WARNING: Parental Discretion is Advised

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A few days ago, I met a guy online that just moved down the road from me. I mean, he came from a completely different state, so he's looking to make new friends and his parents are highly encouraging this. Anyways, we're the same age(19), we connect really well, and he'll be attending the same university as I in the fall of this year. We would like to meet eachother sometime, and I'm more than willing to acquaint him with new people. The problem is, my mom is very close minded when it comes to communicating online. She often questions why I talk to this guy, and she tells me that I'm not to meet him; even if it is at school in the fall, unless she, or someone else is there. I live under my parent's roof, so I respect what she is doing, but it's building this barrier. How do I go about asking her to go meet him with me? We've only been talking for 4 days. Should I give her some more time before I ask? There are plenty of places to meet around here, and at the same time, keep some confidentiality. He completely understands where she's coming from too, but it's completely innocent. He doesn't have to know my phone number or where exactly I live.

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....even if we don't exactly agree with her! Give it a little time, maybe she'll come around; I applaud your decision to respect her wishes...it takes a very even-tempered woman to do that...hurrah for you! Just give it time, and if your friendship with this guy is meant to be strong and thriving, fate will step in and take it from here.





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Thankyee kindly for the words of wisdom. I love my mom with all my heart and would never do anything against her wishes. I'd hate to lose all trust she has in me, which is grand; and for that I am grateful. As for family dinner, I don't know how well that would pan out. I have this inkling that my mom doesn't want him knowing where I live just yet. She'd like to meet him first. Personally, I think that my parents should confer with his. They just moved to Michigan from Connecticuit, what's wrong with making new friendships?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

ok if he's going to your university then you might run into him anyway. And you're 19 you can't keep litsening to your parents your whole life. I think you should plan to meet him at the university whats the wort that could happen when you're surounded by people? And you being 19 it would be humilliating to have your mom standing there through the whole conversation. YOU'RE 19 YOU HAVE TO BREAK AWAY SOMETIME! Even if you want to, you can't alway litsen to your mom. It sounds like your mom is a little controlling too. I think you should just meet him, around people of course.

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COME ON!!!!!!You are 19! Nineteen! Start acting like a 19 year old! He lives close to you! Meet him at a diner, university, or.... anywhere! Do you like him? What a stroke of luck to have him move down the street! Does he know he lives close to you?! Your mom does not have complete control over you! You should act independent! You aren't a child any more!

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the last to users were right....You're 19! Why not just meet him with a bunch of your friends with you and vice versa? it's safe...wouldn't your mom go for that? Fall is coming soon anways so meet him at school. Obeying your mom is great and I respect that...but sometimes parents are too overprotectant and don't understand. You're not too far from 21...what are they gonna do when you're fully an adult?! I'm only 17...I respect my parents but they don't completely control my life. Shoot the idea of friends being with you for the first meeting to your mom...if she still says no...wait a while then do it anyways.

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My parents aren't controlling or overprotective. As a matter of fact, I'm free to do whatever I want. The whole of idea meeting someone on the internet is what scares my mom. She has a lot of trust in me, and I don't want to break it. This guy and myself have already planned to meet at school. That was my whole argument against my mom's thinking. The chances are great that we could run into eachother at school, or even be in a class together. I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. Thanks for backing me up!

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  • 4 weeks later...

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