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Good Night everyone.


Now where do I start.


I realise that alot of people are surfing this site but they are some real life issues that people pose on the site and it is said to say that

1. There are female and males that surf this site and are registered and if not guest those guest should get registered.


2. Can't stand the fact to know that 61 person saw the question by a 14 year old who wants advice on preqnacy and only 3 individuals could saw something.


3. Yes i admitt that that MY dear was not smart thinking, decisions are made and they define aor lives in the long run


4. But look at her age she most definitely needs help.


5. Tell her parents is the hardest part of it all if believe that someone could have said something on that.


6. How to take the pregnany test was other part someone could have made suggestions


7. Tell her boyfriend was another


8. What to do after all of this and ways how to cope with it.


WE all are not perfect but we can help with some word the simple words.


I will try to help you, isn't that what we log and surf this site for.



Well, 14 years old, (sorry to say it like that) If you would like I can try to help you. OK.


Have a nice Night everyone. Remember help other and others will help you.

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A lot of the time I don't add to topics as everything I would have said has already been said.


It's also safe to say that those 61 views were not all unique users.


It's also okay for people to browse the site and just look around at topic similar to situations they are involved in. They don't have to respond.


This is a forum where people have the right to choose to browse as a guest or register and post advice.


Sure this forum could use a few more posts per topic, but if someone had something to say they'd say it.

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Yeah I want to make my point here.


1- It's a free help, The people who answered each topic really feel like it

2- Maybe 58 persons didn't how to help that little girl

3- I really like you, but by doin' this people may be hurt

4- Continue to post )



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Just because someone is on this site, doesn't make them automatically qualified to answer each person's problem. In my opinion, people should only post a reply if they have something of value to say. Otherwise, say nothing. Don't clutter the site with useless comments. Quality - not quantity!!!

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