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I really need some help (male input needed)

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I posted a couple days ago that my boyfriend and I had gotten in a fight because I "broke up" with him and now he's upset. I never really wanted to break up with him, I just wanted him to notice how he was hurting me.


Since then, we have talked a little and we're being nice to each other but it's not the same and he said he doesn't know if we'll be able to stay together.


We went to breakfast yesterday and I talked to him about a business plan I had for us. He was really excited about it and he took off running with it doing all kinds of research yesterday. We kept text messaging yesterday and I sent him a sorta racy text message about how I wanted to show him how much I missed him. He texted me back that it sounded good but he didn't know if he was ready for that and he would definetly agree to it if things were right between us.


He keeps telling me that he's thinking about what's gonna happen but I feel like he's tormenting me. He knows how much pain I'm in and how much I miss him. He knows that I would do anything to prove my love to him.


I'm so scared. I'm scared that he's already moved past this. I'm scared he's forgotten all the good times we've had and is only focusing on the things that have gone wrong.


As I dropped him off from breakfast, I asked him didn't he know everything would be fine with us? He looked at me and said "I don't know but as soon as I do, I'll let you know" Then he squeezed my hand and got out of the car.


We talked a few times after that and he ended up coming over to my house later that afternoon to talk about the business and then we grabbed a very qucik bite to eat. I texted him later that night and he didn't reply. I called him around 11 cuz I couldn't sleep but he didn't answer.


I can't lose him. And I really would like some input on theses new developments. What can I say or what can I do to make this right?

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First and foremost, I hope you realize that "breaking up" with someone is a serious thing and should not be done as a means of getting "your way". If he really likes you, then he is justifiably upset that you resorted to using it in an attempt to manipulate him.


It is ok to go the "breakup" route as a last resort if you are truly unhappy with your current situation and are prepared to move on to find someone better suited. It doesn't sound like that you are at that stage.


Probably the best thing you can do is to not obsess over what has happened (difficult to do). Don't try to manipulate him into coming back to you. Treat him with kindness and respect and don't press him for evidence that he's ready to resume things the way they used to be.


Make it clear to him that you feel like you made a mistake (no hinting or beating around the bush) and that you are sorry. After that, it is pretty much up to him. If he really loves you, he will eventually draw closer.

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If what he did was so horrible that you had to "break up" with him, then it's probably best that you take things slow for now. And I'm sure he might be hurt and confused.


Have you talked about this with him? Have you explained to him why you broke up with him?


Other than that you just need to take it day by day. If he's trying to figure things out, then you have to let him do that. You can't force him to feel better about it all. The more you hang out and talk, the better he will start feeling about a relationship between you two again.

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