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I dont now what to please help ME!!!

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ok so like I met this guy on the internet about a year ago and recently in february we started talking more and more online while i was having problems with my current boyfriend he was trying to help me sort thingsout with him by giving me advice well anyway as it turns my then boyfriend and i eneded up breaking up on valentines day. After we broke I couldnt get over him all i did was cry and cry but i still talked to ths guy online and soon we were talking on the fone he just seemed like such a great guy!! well in march we finally started dating he had seen pictures of me but i hadnt seen any of him and frankly i really didnt care what he loooked like becasue i was already in love with him i didnt tell him right away i just waited a couple more weeks until i felt like i was about to burst. He didnt tell me he loved me when i told him that i did it took him a while for him to make sure he really was in love with me. He finally did send me pictures and i thought he was soo gorgeous so that went well

so we finally did end up meeting we are about 3000 miles apart he felw over here and stayed for a week we had so much fun that week it was the best week ogf my life everything i had ever imagined had come true!

but let me tell u soemthing frist before he came down here we would talk on th efone al the time for hors and hours or online for the longest time

bt once he got back yea we did talk but not as much nad now it seems as if im the only on ecalling him all the time and his excuses for not calling are he hasnt bought a fone card or he is too busy with work and just want sto crash when hegets home cuz he get s off around 9pm but i dont understand why he cant make the effort to try to call me and i have asked him if wants to break up and he was all no i love you im going back over there to live with you and all that great stuff but i dont know if he is all talk or if i should believe him since he barely ever calls me

please help me with this


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i have talked t him abut the way i hve been feeling and i already told u about the responses i have been getting and all my friends say not tot call him and wait till he callss but im afraid if i do that i wont ever talk to him but thats not true but i dont ive been hurt so many times that i dont want to take the chance with him adn im afraid if we dont talk a lot that we will drift apart and he will meet some one else

i seriously dont know what to do

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i still think that i need help cuz i get so paranoid im not afraid that he is chaeting on me but then sometimes i am i just dont know i think that he might have lost interest in me and just doesnt know how to tell me he doesnt love me anymore would guys do that please help me with this question

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