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Need help with my gf

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Hey hey there, i got a question 2 ask anyone...preferably a girl though, but meh! lol, anyways, i recently told my gf how i really feel...im really horny, but i have a sayin...girls "cums" first. Get it? Well i don't know if she is like that, but i want 2 make her feel so good, ya know! i want her to have the best orgasm shes ever had, but not knowing that shes ever had 1. Is there anyway that i can give her the best orgasm but without oral? I know she wouldn't let me do that, cause lk i said i think she doesn't want that just yet. But anything with the breasts or fingering her...i don't know how 2 do either acctually. Any help would do fine...thanks!

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Well, you'll have to make sure she is aroused, but you can use clitoral stimulation to make her orgasm, but you really should talk to her, ask if she has ever masturbated herself, if so, she can show you how she generally goes about it, if not, then it is up to you two to experiment together on what works, and what doesn't, leave the lines of communication open so she can tell you what works and what she is comfortable with. Take it slow, as much as you may want gratification, the biggest thing you should do is take your time.

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  • 1 month later...

Well I can't help you with the whole fingering thing cause I've never done that lol, but with the breasts, all I do is rub/squeeze them gently all over and find out which spots feel best for her. When I do it to my gf, she closes her eyes and she breathes heavily in certain areas which lets me know she likes it there. Also, my gf just goes crazy when I use my tongue...hehe. I think of it as my secret weapon. Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...

One of the greatest secrets of our great sex life is, like eveything else we follow the maxim - ladies first.


It is very important in sex. Physiologivally women take 30-45 or more minutes to come. Men take 2-10 or less minutes to come.


So, you are on the right track. I am sure you will have a great sex life and relationship.


Regarding how to do it=


I have set up a free course. Let me know if you need it.

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