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am I bugging him :((((

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Ok so I was talkign to my mom today about how I was nervous to call the guy I like and all, and how I should just ask him to go to the dance factory to hang out with me instead of just asking if he's going or not. When she looks at me and goes well kayla maybe you're bothering him, did that ever accure to you that maybe he doesnt' like you? and I was shocked she would say that. but it got me thinking a lot, and Im actually kinda hurt to think that that could be true. I've had his # and have only called him 3 times in the last month so I dont' know why that would be bothering him. He was the one who gave me the # so if he didnt' wanna have me call then he wouldn't have given it up right. And he wouldnt' have been coming up to me all night at the df talking right? She said that it should be obvious to him that I am interested if I have called three times, and that if he hasn't asked me to go on a date that he wasn't interested. Is that true guys, is that how you work? He works though, and the nights he hasn't come were because of that, so do you think he isn't interested and that im bugging him, or that my mother is right?

idk but whatever the case now im even more hesitent to call him and a lot more shy and nervous about it.


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Awww...don't listen to your mom. Just call the guy and get it over with. It's gonna be hard, I know! But hey, you'll know if he likes you or not. I think he might!


Oh, and that'd not bugging! Bugging would be calling 5 times a day.

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Ok, so how many times has he called you back?


Because if we are talking about "friends," my friends and I call each other pretty equally, so, no, it's not bothersome. But, if you notice you are always calling him, but he never calls you, perhaps he is not romantically interested in you.

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well, in this day of caller ID and cell phones, you can get the number right away of the person calling you.


It's one thing to always call your best friend because of some circumstance, but if it's relatively new in the friendship (and QT wants more than a friendship), then being the one to do 100% of the calling isn't a great idea.


Besides - he's completely capable of saying when you call, "hey - what's your number also so I can give you a call sometime?"


A person who is only a taker, and not a giver? That's not a good person to chase after!

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well, in this day of caller ID and cell phones, you can get the number right away of the person calling you.


It's one thing to always call your best friend because of some circumstance, but if it's relatively new in the friendship (and QT wants more than a friendship), then being the one to do 100% of the calling isn't a great idea.


Besides - he's completely capable of saying when you call, "hey - what's your number also so I can give you a call sometime?"


a person who is only a taker, and not a giver? That's not a good person to chase after!



I don't know about you, but sure, having someones number off the caller ID is handy, but I wouldnt want to use it without the person having given me their number previously. To say the least, I would be hesitant to use it if I hadn't gotten a number.

If he is a bit shy, he wouldnt want to use a Caller ID number, or ask for a number of someone who he is already talking on the phone with?



three times in one month isnt alot in my opinion, call him and get it over with, and maybe give him your number in case he wants to call you sometime

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yeah I haven't given him my phone #. Idk maybe he might be nervous to call too, or maybe he just isnt' interested. Idk. should I like call him and be like should I not call you anymore, is this bugging you yatta yatta? or what? I'm lost, I really hope im not bugging him though, cause I just wanna hang out and get to know him a bit. but whatever.

thanks guys.


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should I like call him and be like should I not call you anymore, is this bugging you yatta yatta?


NO!!! Don't say that!!!! If you do decide to call him, just be light and friendly. Be cool.


So, he hasn't asked you for your number? hrmm..... You know, everytime a guy gives me his number, I give him mine too. Then, I let him call me. It's just been my experience if you are always the one calling a guy, chances are, he's not romantically interested in you, and he always has "good reasons" why he can't hang out.


I honestly don't think he's too nervous to call, because you've called him 3x and you've been warm, so I doubt that he's like, "Oh - I am so afraid to call her because I might get rejected!"


But, if you feel this is something you need to do - to ask him out, go ahead.

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