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How do you know when to end it?

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When she never loved you in the first place


Ha, no but seriously.. people tend to give up on relationships when they are starting to feel unappreciated. When the other is no longer willing to do the things they used to do to show appreciation and acceptance. The term "falling out of love" can be used here. But sometimes, the other person's wall may never had been broken down at all.

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.. people tend to give up on relationships when they are starting to feel unappreciated. When the other is no longer willing to do the things they used to do to show appreciation and acceptance.


I think they are two very good reasons. I also think relationships can end because one or both partners change as people. When this happens, one or both partners decide that the changed person is no longer attractive to them. This tends to happen when one or both partners are quite young though.


Secondly, I think relationships can end because one or both partners come to the realisation that despite being in love, they are incompatible. As a result, they both realise there is no future and reluctantly move on. Examples of incompatibility might include living location, careers, finances, children, religion, etc.

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