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rrrrr why does he always do this!!!!! Please read.

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Ok so I have this friend who I have been friends with for maybe a year now. I got to know him in school and we have kept contact. recently I have thought i should stop being friends with this guy cause he is selfesh and rrrrrr just consedid. Here's the thing, I used to like him (that ended a long time ago, lol) but he would play with my emotions a lot, he would act like he liked me and then he would be like I don't like you like that, then we would go to the movies and he would be all cuddly with me and then he would be like eh I don't like you like that again (and when I say cuddle I mean holding my hand, hugging me for a long time during movies and stuff, tickling all that jazz, it doesn't matter anymore cause I don't like him like that I like someone else). So now that I don't like him we are just friends but he tries to play those games with me still and when I don't play along he gets mad at me.

I always have to go to see him, he can't ever come see me. And If I have plans the hell with them Id better change them or he'll get mad at me, but if he has plans then it's gotta be some other time.

lately he calls me makes plans, I work my day around them to hang out and find a ride into town and he calls up and changes it. The last weekend I asked him if he wanted to go with my cousin and I to the dance factory ( I really didn't care if he went or not cause I was going to see sean not logan lol, but I was trying to be nice) so anyways he makes plans with me and says he'll be there, well we show up and he doesn't. He later the next mornign calls me at 7am wakes me up and says o sorry about last night I forgot all about you and your cousin. (what a beep!!!!) so I act like it's ok and nothing is wrong, tell him how I had a good time with this guy (sean) and got his # and he gets all pissed off and says he has to go.

So just now like 2 hours ago he calls me and invites me to go to the dance factory and I say ok, and find a ride and work everything out. Then I call him back and let him know i'll be there and he goes O you know I'm not going anymore im too tired and well you should just understand that i've been working all day, so I said ok and hung up. But what does he mean I should understand, that creep is the one who called me and made the plans it's not like I was begging him to go, he wanted me to go. rrrrrrrr.

anyways I just want to know others opinions on this fella, Is he not a very good friend, cause I don't think he is, but Idk, I think that im gonna call him and just tell him to butt out of my life.

what do you think?

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Well I wounld say that he liked me but for the wrong reasons, when I was availbale to him for like half or more a year he wasn't interested and would mess with my emotions which lead to me not liking him anymore. Now that he knows I like someone else and im not paying the same attention to him he is being all jealous, but it's selfesh of him because he doens't even want me, he just wants to mess with my emotions. and he knows how I feel about it cause I stopped talkign to him for like 3 months one time and told him that that was the reason. Idk even if he did like me he wouldn't have a chance if hell froze over because he's a fake and Idk just not a good friend. I used to really like him as a friend and more and just a friend when I stopped liking him, and everyone including my little sister and my cousin warned me about him. No one liked him, they all saw right through him but I didn't. He is making me so sad, I think I should stop being his friend, but I don't like to hurt people and it will hurt him, but I don't want to be hurt anymore either. How could I stop being his friend and tell him why with minimum hurteg???

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i dont know if i told you this or not but he not cute hes ugly plus hes trying to see how far he can push you until you break so ya know what i would do is make plans with him and then say'' i just dont want to go anymore '' and hang up on him.



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ditch him in a nice way. he might get to hurt and just want to get back at you. be straight up and tell him that your sick of him screwing round with ur emotions. then if he still wants to be friends give him 1 chance and it he screws u round again ditch him for good.

neway just dont be to mean cuz he doesnt sound like a guy that takes rejection to well.

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