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what does this all mean.....

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my story goes something like this....

my girlfriend of 3 1/2 year and I broke up last November (2002). We met in college and this was the first girl that I was 100% convinced that I loved. She had been in previous relationships but they never lasted more than 3-4 months - she called me the "love of her life" and we starting to seriously talk about getting married. In September of 2002 she started a new job as a high school teacher and there is were she met this other guy. At the beginning it was "just a friend", but I could sense a change in her. We had been going through some rough times in our relationship at that point, but I never expected her to fall for someone else. Dumb cliche, I know. I had stuck with her in the worst of times and when I mean bad I don't think it gets any worse. About 1 1/2 years into our relationship her brother committed suicide and instead of bailing, saying "this is too much for me", I helped the family out tremendously by making arrangements for the funeral and just being the pillar of support. I am not trying to toot my own horn here, but I could have left when the going got tough, but no I decided to stay and weather the storm. Anyway, back to our breakup - she basically told me that she had strong feelings for this co-worker and that she was confused about the feelings. One thing led to another and our relationship came to an end.


Now about 7 months after the "breakup" she wants to see me to personally give me a small present for my birthday (which just passed). Also recently the number of emails she has sent me to see "how I am doing" has increased (we have not talked on the phone since January). I am so confused. I have stayed away - I have not initiated any emails, phone conversations, meetings, etc. and now she wants to meet to "see how I am doing". ANYBODY HAVE ANY IDEAS BASED ON EXPERIENCE AS TO WHAT THIS CAN MEAN??? I have played out many scenarios in my head, but I still don't know what to make of this.

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1. Great quote by Tupac!


2. I've never been in a situation thats even similar to this, but I think you spent a lot of time with this girl and u been through a lot with her, I can't tell u what 2 do, but I don't think u2meetin would do any harm, or emailin, or talkin, jus to hear her out. Obviously she hurt u so theres also that 2 consider, u don't want that 2 happen again, I don't know either of u so I can't tell u 2 much. Do u still care about her?

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pimpcess -


yes i do still care for her - i've gone out with girls since our breakup and I seem to be measuring each one of them up to my ex. i don't know if this is right, but i do it anyway. everything about this girl - from the way we thought about life things to the way her family loved me and i loved them -told me that she was the one. i do wish things could go back to the way they were, but there will always be this 'bump in the past' even if we get back together. honestly, i am going into this meeting with an open mind (and heart), but i would really want her to tell me (or at least give me hints) that she want to get back together. i am hoping that she has realized that the relationship with this co-worker is nothing long-term and that what she has with me was much more worthwhile. what do you think of this approach???

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