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Looks on the outside vs inside am I a Horrible person?

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I met this wonderful person via e-mail but was sent a photo and I got a big shock. Am I a terrible person. Surely what someone looks like on the outside has nothing to do with what they are on the inside. How can I change my mind. I feel awful about being this way. I hate myself for it.

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Are you male? Cuz to most of these people, they say looks don't matter if your female...


Sorry I know this isn't helping but you can answer my question, that would be great.



Now advice, I think you should give them a chance. Maybe you'll find yourself attracted to them later?


I remember my best relationship was with this girl who I wasn't attracted to at first. but later found myself oddly head of heels for her.



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FIRST every one is attracted to the perosn out side. He or she must be attractive to you first. To put the message short. If you want to meet him and try to fine out what king out person he is then do it because he might not be a bad person and THEN


THE whole peception of look does not count and do not worry about want people say only if it is a life threating statement.



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