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Resume Writing Tips

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Hey everyone!

I have never had a job before, but in a week or two im going to be moving out of home and into a small two-bedroom unit with one of my really good friends (pretty much my sister.) She's 18, left school last year, and neither of us have had jobs before.. anyway, we're moving to a pretty small town and the shopping square there is tripiling in size, and they have HEAPS of job spaces open right now and my friend and I are hoping we might be able to get a job there. (Me just after-school and weekends, her full time.)

So anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any tips on writing a resume? I've found some great tips on this site (like for the work experience stuff, start everything with an action word and instead of listing duties, list productive things that you done and how you helped the company, dont go over one A4 page) but alot of the things I think could only really be applied if I had like, left school and had had *proper* jobs before.


So anyway, yeah, what is it employers are looking for, what are some good things to put in, and are there any really common mistakes that people make when writing their resume?

Thanks heaps to everyone who posts!

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One very good tip i can give you is NEVER, EVER LIE!!!! Don't boost your skills or accomplishments on paper if you've never actually accomplished those things or acquired those skills. The company/boss will always find out and you can be fired for that.


Hope I've helped!



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put down any volunteer work, and skills that are used in that job that you have. Even if it is something small and silly, like using a register, or good people skills, or phone skills...


Have people for references that you know will give you a god professional one. not friends but older people, in a good career. no relatives either.


make it professional looking, use microsoft word and they have a template o use if you are not used to that program. make sure spelling and punctuation is all correct.


write a cover letter, explaining why you want the job, why you would be good at it, and what makes you stand out from other applicants.


I always do these and i have never been turned down from a job i interviewed for.

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