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Act different around freinds!

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For some reason i think i act different around one friend to the way i act around my other friend


I have a group of mates around college, and when im around them i feel in charge, in control of what were doing, if i make a suggestion then normally we will do that and i have alot more confidence around these guys, usually resulting that when we see a hot gal im the one who starts the talking and the one the gal takes an intrest in! Around these guys i have confidence that if i say something i dont care what others will think


I have this other mate who is also around college, but doesnt really get on with my other mates. They dont hate each other they just hardly talk that all. But this guy is really cool, hes definatly one of the best looking guys around, and he gets talking to all sorts of gals, but i dont use him as someone to talk to gals with but hes also funny, kind, a laugh and i socialise outside of college more with him than i do with the others! Problem is around him i dont really be my normal confident self and when theres hot gals around there intrested in him alot more than me and i just dont feel the same as when im with the others, for some reason i think before i act which is unlike me and how i act around my other mates!


i dont really know what im asking im just wondering if anyone can give some advice or know how i feel!



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Alot of people, even myself i tend too switch personalities that sorta thing to adapt to the situation etc of being around friends and peopl i guess it's something that everyone does. Not everyone feels confident around certain people as they do with others, depending on the person im with my personality can fluctuate, which is kind of annoying.


You can work on being more confident i have no doubt, im also trying to work this out too lol.


Not sure whether this is any help


- whitefang

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