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where should i take her on a first date?

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I asked this girl out last sun..we didn't even talk that much, but im like do you want to go see a movie on fri, to my surprise she said sure. Shes really shy so she doesn't talk alot. like i said i originally asked her to the movies but does any body have any better ideas? like should i take her out to dinner then movies, or hang out at the mall then go to the movies? Since this is a first date and i don't really think she knows i like he yet should i pay for everything?

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Dinner could be nice, but if you want more of a "low-pressure" date, I would go for mall hanging. At dinner, there would be more pressure for conversation, and it could make things start out awkwardly. Save dinner for the second date.


Yes, you should pay for the movie since you invited her to go with you. at the mall, it doesn't matter if you get anything or not, but If you noticing her looking at like a piece of jewlery or something that's not too expensive, you could get it and not tell her. Then later, you could give it to her for her birthday or something or give it to her at the end of the night. It would be a cute and sweet gesture and show her that you are paying attention to her and like her. Of course, this is not neccesary!


Good luck, and I hope everything goes well for you!

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Going to the movies for a first date is fine. Sure you can talk her out to dinner too if you would like. It is up to you if you want to pay for her ticket and snacks. I really can't offer much b/c i believe in paying dutch (that means the girl pays for her share and the guy pays for his share). Pay for her ticket...but if she insists on paying herself you can either pay for her and say no buts about it. Or you can let her pay. Good luck!

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Movies suck... you can't talk and get to know the other person... Take her on a picnic! Girls love weird things like that.. you get to talk, or if you guys aren't having the best conversation you can always take a walk and enjoy the sights sounds and smells of your local park. one of you will probably see something that sparks an interest and you'll get to talking... also taking a nice quiet walk at night under a star lit sky is always a winner.

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