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Inviting a girl to a party

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I 16M invited a girl 16F I really like to a party via asking her if she wanted to go with me, and she said yes. I know she's into me from various people, and she's admitted to someone that she broke up to see if I would make a move. However, now I'm really not sure what to do at the party. Do I stick with her for a good bit of time considering I invited her, or do I branch off quickly and give her freedom to do whatever. I don't want to look clingy, but also don't want to seem disinterested.  The parties are somewhat large with around 50 people in a clubhouse and there's always a lot going on. This is kinda my first time getting this far so not really sure what to do.

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You go in as a couple, meet and greet others with her, and introduce her. Offer her a drink/food whatever. If she sees someone she wants to talk to, let her drift off. Keep in the general area so if she looks around she will see you. Don't completely disappear on her, always keep tabs on her, especially for her safety. Never leave her sitting alone. Smile, joke, make her feel special. 

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4 hours ago, smackie9 said:

You go in as a couple, meet and greet others with her, and introduce her. Offer her a drink/food whatever. If she sees someone she wants to talk to, let her drift off. Keep in the general area so if she looks around she will see you. Don't completely disappear on her, always keep tabs on her, especially for her safety. Never leave her sitting alone. Smile, joke, make her feel special. 

This is a really good take, Thanks!

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