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i know im jealous and i need to know how to deal

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im gonna start at the beginning. last year, i became very close friends with a girl who i had kind of known before. Friends, turned into me liking her, alot, and her just wanting a friend. this went on for a while, and i kinda gave up. for a while i just gave up on girls, and lived my life. but recently, this girl has gotten into a serious relationship, and i'm finding myself wishing i was him, or like wishing i was going out with her instead of him. hes a senior and is going away to college in a few months, and they don't know if they'll stay together, and i'm hoping they break up, which makes me feel like a bad friend, cuz she is one of my best friends. From what i've observed, im pretty sure she doesnt know i like her again, and shes a little more confortable with me then she was. any idea on how to deal with this jealousy?

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you could try to just be happy for her, and if they break up be there to comfort her. don't jump on the fact that you like her if they break up, cause that would prob make her seem distant for a while. and you don't want to drive her away, so just be happy for her for a while k.

I don't know what else to say.

good luck.


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