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When will it stop?

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im very sorry to hear about your losses. I can't say that I feel exactally the same as you do because I haven't lost as many people so fast. but I did lose one of my best friends and one of my cousins a year apart. I didn't know my cousin very well so it wasn't really hard on me, but the friend dang, I know how you feel. It'll be 2 years this july 16th and I can honestly say it hasn't gotten any easier. Im sorry about what you are going through, you will always love those people and miss them, the only thing that really seems to get better is that you don't think about it as much after time.


If you ever need to talk you can pm me.

I hope you start to feel a little better, spend your time doing somethign you like, that always helps.

good luck.


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I'm really sorry to hear that you've lost so many people close to you. I can't even imagine what you're going through. I don't know what to tell you to make it feel better. Losing someone always hurts. I'm here for you though if you ever need to talk.


I'm sorry again.

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