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How to make out with my girlfriend

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Hello I have been going out with this girl i have had a crush on for a looong time. We broke up before and we got back together and now we've been going out for 2 and a half months and both of our friends are kind of hinting towards us that its about time that we make out. Im not sure when to make out or how to. everyone i ask always gives something different from: slipping them the tongue, just kissing, and "doing whats natural." I have no idea what is natural to do. Others say go with the flow and i dont know what that is either. If we are alone on a bench what should i do? Could you give me any advice? Shes shy but she really wants me to make out with her. What should my first move be and HOW DO I MAKE OUT!? Please, please help me. Thank you.

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Well, if you both want to make out with each other...the best way is to experiment. That is really all the advice that can be helpful...everything else will come with practice and experience. So if you both want to make out...just try it and see what the other likes. I hope this helps!


Good luck!!

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I'd start by realizing you'll both be nervous and nothing new is (or has to be) perfect. I'd hold her hand, and just begin with some regular kissing. If you both get into it and it's romantic, take it further - use your tongue and move to open-mouth kissing...just take it slowly, don't press too hard or be too slobbery, and see what works for you both. Have fun!

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Since you posted this, I guess your kind of new to this procedure...

Don't try to force something, don't be someone else, the girl will feel that you act strange! If you're unsure... that's not negative. The girl will feel probably unsure too.

I guess it all depends on the situation! When you're close to her,

If you feel attracted by her and you think she feels the same way, maybe you feel like she's waiting for something, she will understand your actions quite easily. Even to ask her straightway isn't bad, perhaps you don't have to complete your sentence...


(sorry for my bad english)

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I guess If I would be still that young I would kiss her if it fits to the current situation (hard to describe), but first I guess I would sit next to her and wouldn't speak for a while, maybe just sitting, hugging, getting excited...

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Ok lets say im walking with my girlfriend in the park what do i do to make her stop and turn to me and to make out with her? I need to know what to do like do i put my arms around her? and how do i make out or should i say what is the exact definition of making out because i want to know how to. Please help me and tell me what to do.

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For stopping her to kiss, don't do it abruptly. Try to make your move while you two are in a secluded area since some girls may fear pda. If you feel it is the right moment just calmly stop her and lean in. You could put your hands on her neck, back of her head, around her waist, just whatever would be most comfortable for you.

As for the definition of making out and all that dandy stuff, everyone has their own interpretation of it. Personally I view it as kissing for a long amount of time. Whether you want to french kiss, use tongue, is all up to you and your girlfriend and if you feel comfortable doing it. As for how to do it exactly, everyone kisses differently. When I was trying to learn to makeout I watched Cruel Intentions considering that there's a scene towards the middle where one character instructs the other on how to kiss step by step. I hope this all works out for you.

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