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Does it sound like he's lying?

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On 4/10/2023 at 8:55 PM, Candyapplexox said:

I have always been told that men and women can't only be friends. Because one person usually tries to be with the other person. And every time I've ever tried to be just friends with a guy (unless he was gay) he always hit on me or wanted sex.


Because you are so attractive that no man can resist you? These guys are not your friends then… 

I think there is no such thing as FWB. Maybe I’m the only one but I never understood this concept. 

I’m either in a casual relationship with someone, meaning we sleep together from times to times, chat a bit before and after, know little about each other and that’s it. It’s clear for both of us that we are not friends, we only hangout with each other because we enjoy the intercourse. 

Or I’m dating someone, learning to know that person and see if there is potential for something serious 

If he is your friend why would you even sleep with him? This is not a casual relationship you are having. It’s been way too long and to many boundaries crossed yet. You better stop it now before one of you develops feelings. (If not done yet) 

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26 minutes ago, Sindy_0311 said:

Because you are so attractive that no man can resist you? These guys are not your friends then… 

I think there is no such thing as FWB. Maybe I’m the only one but I never understood this concept. 

I’m either in a casual relationship with someone, meaning we sleep together from times to times, chat a bit before and after, know little about each other and that’s it. It’s clear for both of us that we are not friends, we only hangout with each other because we enjoy the intercourse. 

Or I’m dating someone, learning to know that person and see if there is potential for something serious 

If he is your friend why would you even sleep with him? This is not a casual relationship you are having. It’s been way too long and to many boundaries crossed yet. You better stop it now before one of you develops feelings. (If not done yet) 

Did you not read where I said this man was assaulted? 

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3 minutes ago, Candyapplexox said:

Did you not read where I said this man was assaulted? 

Yeah i did, im sorry this happened to him. And I hope he is ok. but what does it have to do with what I said about FWB relationships? 
are you supposed to take care of him because you are his FWB? 

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