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Well she's probably gonna kill me for posting this, but (and im not for sure) I really think My cousin has an eating disorder. She is a little chubby, but she's FAR from fat. And she thinks that she eats too much and I think she is starting to not eat enough. Now everytime I go and visit her she only eats once a day, and it's not a lot. It's like a snack size. She used to be so tiny, and she still is little, just not like she used to be. I feel bad cause I know how it feels to be chubby and have everyone else around you look how you wish you looked. She used to be the tiny one, and I was the chubby one. Now it's the other way around.


I am just worried that she is starting to become Anerexic. She can't do that to herself because she is diabetic, and it would be really bad for her health.

Am I worried for nothing? or is this ok?

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She is a little chubby, but she's FAR from fat


I am sorry, but that IS calling her chubby.


If you think she has an eating disorder try talking to her yourself, and try not to attack her. If nothing comes from your discussion then go to her Mother, your Aunt and tell her. She might be mad a you for a little bit but it could save her from ending up in the hospital.

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