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Relationship with a Jewish girl?

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I found out today that my girlfriend is a Jew. I havent got a problem with that whatsoever, I have just never really met any Jewish people before, so I wanted to know if there was anyhting I should know about? I know that she's a vegitarian and all that but I have NO IDEA about anything else tbh! Help please, just things that I shouldnt say and other traps like that! I'm an Atheist myself and I'm very open minded about any other religion.

Thanks for help, Doc 8)[/i]

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There are dietary restrictions for religious Jews but being a vegetarian is not one of them. I agree that you should discuss it with her but I think it is best to do so casually, out of interest, rather than as if there may be some potential problem.

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First off, I'm glad you have an open mind. I've had guys initially agree to date me and then back off just hearing my last name (very stereotypically Jewish). Technically I'm not even Jewish, lol. Jewish law says you follow your mothers religion, since my mother was Catholic (now Lutheran) I am considered Christian. My dad and all that side of my family is Jewish though so I'm extremely familiar with the religion and culture and have spent my fair share of time in Temple.


I've got a great website for you... link removed stick to the beginner stuff for now and keep in mind that some people are more observant than others.


Also about being vegetarian, I've known quite a few people who rather than bothering to make sure all the meat they ate was Kosher and keeping meat and dairy separate (some of the Jewish dietary laws) just went vegetarian completely. It was actually easier for them. That might be the case or might not but it's probably worth asking.



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